Saturday, February 21, 2015

Feels Like: I Don't Want to go Outside

Friday was super cold.

Buddy and I layered up to go outside in the morning. He wore his vest:

And his coat. He hates the paparazzi.

And I wore ALL the layers.

I got in 4 miles on the treadmill with my tried and true Gilmore Girls, and otherwise did very little. In my defense, they played an old season finale of Bones on tv and I had to watch the next episode on Netflix - I can't end on a season finale, even if I do know what happens next.

Fast forward to today -

I didn't make it on my group run this morning, we had some work stuff to take care of, so today ended up being a rest day for me. My legs have been feeling tired this week for some reason, so it's probably a good idea in the long run (um, 5 weeks until the West Point half - I'm not ready!).

Tom and I went to brunch at Birdsall House this afternoon. We have been there for dinner a couple of times, and it's always really good! I got the french toast, it came with bacon and apple butter. Now I want to make apple butter - it was amazing.

And Tom got corned beef hash. Everything was delicious!

I am on the lookout for this ice cream. Has anyone tried it yet?

It's snowing again. We're supposed to get a few inches of snow before it switches to freezing rain. Awesome.

I hope your weekend is going well so far!


  1. I would go outside either! brrrrr Your dog is adorable all bundled up! We may get rained out of our trail race tomorrow (hopefully not) but nothing like what you're facing! Have a great rest of the weekend!

    1. The only nice thing about the snow is that it's a little warmer outside. It seems wrong, but it's true! :) I hope your race doesn't get rained out and you have a great run!

  2. Brrr! That is the weather we had earlier in the week. Definitely treadmill weather! Love the Ben & Jerry's flavor names. That one looks yummy!

    1. We had a day of above freezing today and now it's supposed to be stupid cold again. It has to end eventually, and then I'll complain about being too hot ;)


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