Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Not too shabby

It was another long, long day at work today. More than 10 hours is too many with 12 toddlers.

I managed to convince myself to head to the basement for 4 easy miles after I got home. And then I didn't want to spend too much of my limited evening in the basement, so I ran faster than my training plan called for.

4 miles in 37:18 - not too shabby.

33 days until my race. I can already tell that I am going to be very nervous/excited when it gets closer. I've never really had a time goal other than faster than my last race, so declaring a goal is a little intimidating.

Tom sent me this picture of Buddy while I was at work - he was ready for Tom to stop working so he could play with him.


  1. Aww, how can your heart not melt at that pic. That would have made me want to come right home!

    1. I know, I swear he practices those looks when we're not home! Too cute.

  2. I can't decide if him sending you that picture is sweet or mean! LOL I would hate to be away from that face! You do work such LONG hours. Are the same kids there all that time too? If so, I feel bad for them. My daughter is only at daycare at most 9 hours and I feel guilt about that. 12 hours would be crazy!

    1. There are definitely a lot of full time kiddos there from 7-6, a few are extended until 7. It's a long day for everyone. A lot of parents commute to NYC (45 minutes by train) so that makes a difference in how long they're at the center.


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