Wednesday, September 3, 2014

A history of half marathons

I have nothing terribly exciting to tell you about today. I worked, and then I came home and ran. Oh, and Tom made dinner! Chicken tikka masala and saag paneer - my mouth is still on fire - it was delicious.

Since I've been thinking about my upcoming race (39 days away!) a lot lately, I thought I would tell you a bit about my history with the half marathon.

I have pretty much always gone to my races alone, so I don't have the best pictures from some of my races. I do have prints from a couple of them, but I have no idea where they are.

Oregon Wine Country Half Marathon 2010 - 2:39:31

This was my first half marathon. I was not well trained. The longest run I had ever done before this race was 6 miles. And, because I had been sick, the longest run I had done in the month leading up to the race was 3 miles. I had no time goal, and was just focused on finishing.

I stopped and grabbed a pizza on the way home and then didn't leave my apartment for 2 days afterwards. There was much soreness.

Corvallis Half Marathon 2011 - 2:18:07

I have seriously no memory of my training for this race. I know I did some longer runs and tried to be more consistent in my running. I didn't have a time goal, but I hoped I would beat my previous time. I was shocked when I saw how much faster I had gotten!

Oregon Wine Country Half Marathon 2011 - 2:17:13

I seriously trained for this race. I followed a training plan and checked off each run as I finished it. I even have a training log somewhere in a box in the basement. I knew the course since I had run it before, and really wanted to beat my best time (there's a trend here). I somehow managed to run the last 3 miles of the race with an insanely painful cramp in my right calf, and judging from the pain I was in for weeks afterwards, a stress fracture in my shin.

Sleepy Hollow Half Marathon 2014 - 2:16:26

My first half in years. I trained, a lot. I'm not sure how I managed to get in all my runs as I was routinely working 10+ hours of overtime every week. This was my first race after I bought my treadmill. It definitely saved me this winter from the weather. There's no way I would have done as well if I hadn't bought the treadmill. I followed a Runner's World Challenge training plan, and it seemed to work. I was hoping to do well, and quietly hoped to beat my best time even though I hadn't raced in a while. You can see my full recap  of this race HERE.

Newburgh Half Marathon 2014 - 2:07:13

I still don't know how this happened. I kept my training up after the Sleepy Hollow Half, and started using a Runner's World SmartCoach plan. It had more speedwork in it than I would ever do on my own, and I also had been running with the group more. Some beautiful combination of these things led to an awesome race and another PR! You can read the full recap HERE.

I might actually get a picture at the race next time - Tom and my mom are planning on coming with me! As an added bonus, there is supposed to be beer at the end of the race - so they're pretty excited about that. :)


  1. I have been training for the end of your race! So proud of you and all your races.
    Can't wait to cheer you on!

  2. It was fun to read through your race history! Since we run similar speeds I'm really interested in your progress (although you are faster than me now!). Can't wait to hear about your upcoming race!


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