Friday, June 6, 2014


Tomorrow is race day. I have my alarm set (for 5:30 - ew), coffee ready to go, and all the electronics charging.

The weather is a little more predictable for this race than my last one, so I have my clothes all laid out too.

It's going to take about an hour to get up to the race and since I've never been to Newburgh it might take me a little while to find parking. 

It is also the first time that I didn't manage to get to an early packet pickup. It stresses me out a little that I don't have my bib already pinned to my shirt. 

I still don't have a true "race goal," other than to enjoy the race and finish strong. I will almost definitely decide on a time goal on the drive up. 

Time to try to get some sleep, I'll see you on the other side of the finish line!


  1. Good luck tomorrow! Can't wait to hear how you do. Love the outfit!!!!

  2. How exciting! Hope it's lots of fun and look forward to hearing about it

  3. Woohoo! Race day! Love your outfit. The headband really ties it all together--cute! Someone in our running group was just talking about those VS bras. I need to look for one. They're so much cuter than a normal sports bra!

    1. Thanks! I really like my VS bra, it's really cute and comfy too! The funny part is that I ordered it by accident, I meant to get a different style, but I'm really glad I got it!


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