Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Conferences, cookies, and a dramatic dog

My mind is all over the place this week. I knew it was Wednesday today, but I kept expecting one of my kiddos who only comes on Tuesdays and Thursdays to show up. I don't know why, but I thought he was supposed to be there. My assistant had to remind me that he doesn't come on Wednesdays.

I got to (sort of) leave at 2 today, it was really nice. The sort of is because I had to go back at 5 for a conference.

I managed to get almost all of our Father's day projects finished. I think I only have two left, and one of them is currently on vacation, so I can't do much about that.

Buddy was excited that I came home early, because that meant we got to go for a walk in the middle of the day instead of our usual quick out and back in that happens at lunch time.

I got a nice run in after my conference. 3 miles, and they felt good!

It was HOT in the basement.

I ran close to Buddy's dinner time.

He's so dramatic.

And then I made some Milky Way cookies.

I'm pretty sure I got this idea from something I read on The Hungry Runner Girl a while ago, but I can't find it now. I just made regular chocolate chip cookie dough and added a bunch of chopped up Milky Way bites. Hard to go wrong with cookies!

I'll keep a few and bring the rest to work - everybody wins!


  1. Oh you have me hungry for cookies now! Love that shirt you have on!

    1. Thanks! There are days I need the extra motivation from my shirt :)

  2. i hate it when one day masquerades as another day. throws off my whole internal clock system. hope you get back on track tomorrow!

    1. Isn't it annoying when that happens? I think I'm all caught up now, no way I'm forgetting that tomorrow is Friday! :)

  3. Those cookies sound interesting. I will have to try them!

    1. They turned out pretty tasty, but then, so do most cookies :)


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