Sunday, June 15, 2014

No power? No problem.

Yesterday I told my running group that I wouldn't be there this morning because it's my one morning to sleep in. So, naturally, I woke up at 5 this morning. I refused to get up and dozed on and off until around 6:30 when I finally admitted defeat. I could have met up with them after all, but I had a long run planned.

Buddy and I got an early start and headed to the dog park.

He loves being in the car.

He was wiped out pretty quickly by a great dane "puppy" that really like playing with/jumping on him.

When we got home we were surprised to find the power was out. Rather than sit in the dark house, we headed for the back deck. I did a little umbrella wrangling to make a shady spot and did some lounging and reading. It actually ended up being a nice break because I didn't feel like I should be doing something. And when the power came back on around 11:30, I finished my chapter before heading inside.

I suppose I could have worked on my lesson plans, though I usually need the internet for some of that, but it was nice to have a little forced quiet time.

With the power back, we headed to the basement for my long run for the week. 10 miles at an easy pace. It felt easy until about mile 7 and then it was just hot and sweaty.

Buddy was laying like this about half the time I was running.

He's kind of a weirdo.


  1. wow, 10 miles on a treadmill is pretty tough. way to get it in! i would have just said, oops, the power went out, guess i can't do it...

    1. I've been getting most of my runs in on the treadmill lately - I think this summer it will be the only way I'm going to keep moving. I'm not used to hot weather!


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