Monday, June 30, 2014

The day I drove to work 3 times

We had some pretty cool clouds this morning.

I managed to drive to work three times today. In the morning (obviously), at lunch time (to let Buddy out), and again an hour later because I got peed on (the joys of working with toddlers!) and had to come home and change before a conference. Good thing I live close to work!

My fitbit app on my phone updated the other day, and it has a new "excercise" feature. Buddy and I tested it out on our walk this afternoon. It uses GPS (like apps like Map my run) but then it syncs all that data with your fitbit. Pretty neat little addition to the app. The GPS lost us for a little while, so the map looks like we took a bee line through a bunch of houses.

I'm taking a rest day today since I did 11 miles yesterday. I am trying to be good about rest days (and cross training) for this upcoming training cycle. I pretty much didn't do any strength training/cross training before my last two races, and I want to see if doing some non-running workouts can help bring my time down. Always chasing that next PR. :)

I'm planning on heading to bed a little early to catch up on some sleep tonight - we have all 11 kiddos in class tomorrow, I will need all the energy I can get!


  1. Those are cool looking clouds! I love sky pictures

    1. Pretty much every flower or sky picture is posted because I know you'll enjoy it :)

  2. Sorry you got peed on! Oh the perils of your job, geez! Luckily you don't lilve too far away.

    1. Right? Today one of the kiddos fell in the yard and bit his lip, so I ended up with blood on my shirt. It's always something!

  3. so, i'm really excited to try the extra fitbit features. i'm really curious how it will sync up, because whenever i sync my garmin it always adds a whole bunch more steps than just the fitbit by itself.

    1. It's funny, because when I saw the update I thought of you and wondered if you knew about it yet. I know you like your fitbit stats as much as I do! :)


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