Thursday, June 5, 2014

New book and no race goal

I realized this morning that every single bit of running gear that I might want to wear on race day was dirty. At least I noticed today since I air dry most of it. I can only imagine trying to run in still damp running clothes.

It was a pretty uneventful day at work today, which was actually nice. I did some prep for our Father's Day project for next week and started getting some things organized for when I'm in London.

With no run to do today, I took advantage of the nice weather and spent some time out on the deck with my new book.

I just started it, but it seems interesting so far. Definitely not light summer reading though!

A pretty good way to spend the evening, if you ask me.

I still don't really have a race goal yet, I have some thoughts kicking around, but nothing decided. I think I'm still in a bit of denial about how soon the race is.


  1. I have that book and really liked it! It's a little technical and dry in parts, but really gave me some good stuff to think about to stay healthy.

    1. I'll take some dry/technical parts if it will help me stay injury free :)

  2. looks like the perfect evening! i love it when the weather lets me spend most of my time outside... although down here that usually happens between october and february :)

    1. Yeah, I think it would be way too hot for me there!


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