Sunday, January 3, 2016

The Firewood Workout

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The downside of the cooler weather (that I was just so excited about) is that we go through a lot of firewood. Our wood stove is pretty awesome and most of the time that's all we use to heat the house. Tom and I usually move firewood together because it goes much faster with two people, but he's been busy with work the last few days.

This morning I spent a few minutes trying to get the Polaris to start (it doesn't like the cold), and made a few trips from the wood pile to the front porch. I hardly ever drive the Polaris, so I had fun once I got the hang of it.

I started with this:

And stopped when it looked like this:

It took me three trips and almost an hour to fill the thing, but at least now we're set for a while. My arms are tired, so I think it totally counts as a workout. ;)

Buddy and I took my new shoes (Mizuno Wave Rider 18s) our for a quick couple of miles this afternoon. I didn't want to do too much since I ran 13+ miles in the last two days, and am getting ready to jump back into training mode tomorrow.

My shoes match my hat. I didn't even notice until after I got home.

After our run I hit the mat for day 2 of Yoga Camp. It was a longer video than usual, but it was just the right combination of relaxing and challenging for me today.

If you're doing yoga camp, don't freak out when you see how long the video is (51 minutes). It sounds like it is the longest of the entire month, do what you can, accept where you are. I still fall out of balancing poses all the time. Enjoy the time you're taking for yourself and remember that you're not supposed to be an expert - it's day 2!

Are you a matchy-matchy person when it comes to workout clothes? I am not, it sometimes happens, and sometimes I clash terribly. 


  1. Now that's what I call functional fitness! WTG on all that chopping! I make an effort to match (mostly) if I'm going outside. But if I'm down in the basement it's a freakshow.

  2. That's a total body workout! I don't have running outfits but I definitely will NOT go out on a run with clashing clothes! Lol. I do like to dress up for race days though totally what you're not supposed to do.

    1. I always like seeing people dressed up at races, but I've never actually dressed up for one!

  3. I didn't mind the length of Day 2 yoga. What got me were the forward bends. I got head rushes which led to a headache!! Now it happens in downward dog too :( Maybe I'm doing it wrong?

    1. That's weird! Do you have sinus pressure/congestion? That's usually the only time those poses give me trouble. Make sure you're not holding your breath. Hope you get it sorted out!


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