Wednesday, January 27, 2016

A Fast Run!

A quick blog pet peeve: when you have so many pops ups (ads, newsletter sign ups, etc.) I can't read the post I was genuinely interested in reading. It's the quickest way to get me to hit the x in the corner, not make me want to subscribe to your newsletter.

I REALLY did not want to run yesterday. I was super tired, and oddly sore. My training plan called for a tempo run, and I wasn't sure I was up for it.

Tom was taking Buddy out for a couple of miles, so I decided to go with them and see how I felt. Once I was warmed up, I actually felt pretty good and decided to keep going.

I'm so glad I did, because I ended up having a really good run, and even hit a 7:58 minute mile in the middle of my 3+ miles! It's the fastest I've run in a while, and I needed that boost after some lackluster runs lately.

I was definitely slow on my run today, but it was supposed to be a recovery run anyway. I'm taking it as a good sign that I'm not instantly ready to go the day after I do speed work. Maybe that means I am finally pushing myself hard enough. I definitely fall into the habit of doing all my runs at a moderate pace, even though I know you're not supposed to.

Hard days should be hard, and easy days should be easy, right? Right.

I got a new pair of slippers today (my olds ones are falling apart). They're super cozy and extra stylish with my running tights ;)

Buddy has been making paths in the snow. It's pretty funny to see his patrol area, he really follows the same track most of the time when he goes out.

Tom made pad thai for dinner last night (I helped by cutting some things and generally staying out of the way). It was a combination of several recipes and turned out really good!

Dinner tonight is pizza, because time got away from us and we didn't feel like cooking.

What are your favorite pizza toppings? My absolute favorite (lately) is onions. Tonight we're getting meatball, mushroom and onion.


  1. I don't eat pizza much these days, but I like roasted onions a lot. As a vegan, I do like the meatless pepperoni slices too when I make my own. :)

    1. Being vegan would make pizza trickier, though they have improved some of the vegan cheeses at least!

  2. Mmmmm pizza! I'm so jelly Tom makes Pad Thai. The Caveman doesn't know where the pots and pans are kept. Yay for a good run!

    1. Tom really likes cooking, and he's good at it! :)

  3. I'm a big fan of mushrooms and olives on my pizza. Also banana peppers, but sadly our go-to place here doesn't do them as a topping.

    Nice speed while you were feeling a little bit sore! I should be more consistent with spadework and cross-training than I am.

    1. I keep sliced banana peppers in the fridge and throw them on pretty much any pizza we order :)

      This is the first time in forever that I'm actually doing speed work and getting a little cross training in (if yoga counts as cross training...). Hopefully that will translate to some nice finish times this spring!

  4. Those tights make your legs look fast fo sho! It's tough for me to get out there after a series of slogs. I hope my next good run is coming very soon.

    Favorite pizza topping is pineapple. So controversial, so delicious.

    1. Ha! Yeah those tights are shiny! Fingers crossed you get an awesome run in the near future!

  5. 7.58 mile! way to go!! High five to you!!

    Favorite pizza topping is Ham, tomatoes and Onions... and now I want pizza for lunch!

    1. Thanks Ana! :)

      I don't think I've ever had tomatoes on pizza - are they hot or cold?

  6. I'm a vegetarian and sometimes I'm happy with the classic cheese and tomato :). Add some mushrooms, peppers and red onions and I'm in heaven. And please, garlic sauce :D

    1. That sounds amazing, I love garlic everything.


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