Sunday, January 24, 2016

More Snow

We ended up getting around 8 inches of snow yesterday, which is much nicer than the 18 inches they thought we were going to get. 

I threw on some trail running shoes (for added traction) and hit the road for four miles this morning.

The roads were clear for the most part. There were just a few areas of slush and snow. The real danger was the people driving like maniacs through the neighborhood. One car flew by way too fast and way too close and ended up kicking a (small) rock up into my face.


On the bright side, it didn't leave a mark, but it definitely stung.

It was really pretty out though!

I took Buddy out to run around the yard when I got home. It doesn't take much to wipe him out for the rest of the day.

I can't believe how fast this month has gone. There is only a week left, which means only a week of yoga camp left! I'm already trying to decide what I'm going to do when yoga camp is over. I want to keep doing yoga, and it's been proven that I'm more likely to stick to something if I have a plan.


  1. I love the gorgeous blue sky we get after a high-pressure system rolls in. Totally agree the drivers are the most dangerous part of snow. Good for you for hanging with the Yoga Camp!

    1. Isn't it such a pretty blue? I'm actually a little impressed that I haven't missed a day of yoga camp.

  2. Yikes! I'm glad the rock didn't cause any lasting damage. I wish we had a bit more snow in Anchorage right now to brighten things up.

    1. The snow does make things look cleaner and prettier. I like having it around for a little while :)

  3. The snow looks beautiful. Even the mountains here, where it does snow, don't quite have that same look of peace and tranquility.

    Sorry about the rock. Especially if the mark appears tomorrow.

    1. Haha thanks, no sign of any rock damage today. :)

  4. OUCHIES!! Jerk Drivers are the worst! I'm glad that the rock didn't cause much damage, that is very scary!

    beautiful snow shots!

    1. Thanks! The scenery around here makes it easy! :)


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