Thursday, January 14, 2016

Procrastination and Motivation

The thing I like about having a race to train for is that even on days where I just don't want to get out the door, I do. I did not want to do anything after work today. I spent a while laying on the bed and playing with my phone rather than getting changed into my running clothes. 

I did eventually hit the road for an easy three miles and, after even more procrastinating, I rolled out my yoga mat for day 13 of Yoga Camp. If you want/need a nice, relaxing bit of yoga today, look no further. It was awesome. 

I had to share this picture of the boys from this afternoon. They're too cute.

We made this for dinner from Blue Apron - I didn't actually manage to take a picture of it when it was done because I was busy eating it.

It was really good, and we're already trying to figure out where we can buy these little rice cakes (tteok) so we can make it again. You can check out the recipe HERE. I love that they have their recipes up so you can see them even if you don't get deliveries.

What keeps you motivated to workout? Race sign ups? Bribery? Reward system?


  1. You know, yours is the first Blue Apron dish that's piqued my interest! I love that they have the recipe available, thanks for linking to it. It looks pretty easy.

    We have a Koreatown in LA not too far from me. I'll have to see if I can find the tteok. :)

    1. It was a really easy dinner to throw together, and really flavorful! The tteok were really interesting, barely any flavor, and a really different texture, very chewy. I liked them :)

  2. Having a race on the calendar definitely keeps me motivated!now that the marathon is over I have some time off till my next race. I have a feeling i'll have lots of rest days in my future ( for a while anyway)

    1. Taking time off after a race feels so luxurious! I definitely enjoyed taking it easy after my marathon last fall.

  3. So THAT is yoga camp! I think races motivate me to run longer. If I don't have a race to train for I kind of reflexively run 3- and 4-milers.

    1. Races definitely help me push the distance. They also help get me out the door more than a couple days a week. My default is lazy ;)

  4. One thing that helps motivate me to work out is to write down my workouts ahead of time in my planner. That way, I'll feel bad if I have to cross them out and checking them off feels so good!

    1. Scheduling definitely makes a difference! I hate having to cross things off if I don't get them done!

  5. Like you, I seem to be more extrinsically motivated when it comes to my workouts. Signing up for a race and having a training plan makes me much more likely to get in my runs and cross-training session.

    1. It's a nice way to stay accountable - for sure!


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