Monday, January 25, 2016

Pondering Pace

My day felt backwards today. Normally I teach classes in the morning and run when I get home. I didn't have any classes until this afternoon, so I ran in the morning. It definitely made a difference in my energy level when I finished with class. It actually took me a little while to realize why I was so tired. 

My run today was mostly good. I didn't check my pace until I got home, I just ran and listened to a podcast (TED Radio Hour). I felt strong and really enjoyed myself, but I was a little disappointed in my pace when I finally checked it. 

I feel like marathon training took all my speed away last year. I know I will get it back, but right now I'm just feeling really slow. It's frustrating.

I somehow didn't take any pictures today, so enjoy watching Buddy run through the snow yesterday.


  1. Buddy looks so very happy running in the snow!!

    What do you teach?

  2. THAT is one handsome dog. Good boy Buddy!

    Running outside of my normal routine is so tricky!! It gets my shower schedule all messed up...and nobody likes that.

  3. I always find I'm sluggish when I run at a time I don't normally run. Also, winter running is hard. And yeah, marathon training can steel speed too. Did Buddy love the snow? It's fun to see him out of his dog bed cozy space =)

    1. I forget how much the cold can slow me down. I'm usually worried about the heat! Haha yeah there are very few pictures of Buddy not sleeping! He likes the snow as long as it isn't falling in his face. :)


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