Sunday, January 17, 2016

Bright Lights, Big City

I'm not sure how it happened, but the weekend got away from me again. 

One of my cousins was in town for a wedding, so we got to have lunch with him and his super sweet 11 month old. We realized it had been over 6 years since the last time we saw each other. 

Time is crazy. 

On Saturday we took the train down to the city to go to a baby shower for one of Tom's friends. Sometimes I forget how close we live to NYC, I don't have a reason to go there very often.

The party had a pretty great view, and way too much champagne.

I'm always impressed by how bright Times Square is.

Buddy was glad that we came home. He's always pretty sure we're gone forever. 

I managed to drag myself out for a few miles this afternoon, and, by some sweet miracle, Yoga Camp was only 15 minutes today. I wasn't really up for anything super intense.

My training plan is a mess this week. I pretty much didn't follow it at all, and my mileage was lower than I would like. I could come up with plenty of excuses, but I just didn't make it a priority this week. On the bright side, I did make it to the mat for all of my Yoga Camp days.

There's always next week.


  1. Your pictures are spectacular! Sometimes its fun just to let it go. Sounds like you did.

    1. Thanks! Yeah we don't spend many nights out on the town, so it's fun to just enjoy ourselves when we do.

  2. That's awesome NYC is a train ride away. My teenager is bugging me to take her back there. Yeah sometimes running is not a priority and that's perfectly ok.

    1. It's a little over an hour train ride to Grand Central - pretty cool!


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