Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Snow day

It almost felt like being back in Oregon the way everyone was panicking about the snow today. We got a couple inches, but the roads were really fine.

Between the snow and sickness we only ended up with 4 kiddos today. Since our ratio is 5 kids to 1 adult, my assistant and I didn't really both need to be there. I ended up staying until 2 and then headed home to the crazy dog.

I was cutting paper circles for an art project later this week (wreaths) and was suddenly possessed by a non-wasteful creative person. I took all the scraps and made this -

It's going on the bulletin board tomorrow (the final product is taped a little straighter).

I made these cookies (minus the cookie cutter) after I got home. They're pretty tasty - next time I might add some mini chocolate chips.

The one in pieces is obviously a quality control cookie, not just me eating them.

Boss is officially looking over my plan book for December, hopefully she likes what she sees.

One day I'll go running again. Maybe when I'm not working during all my waking hours.

1 comment:

  1. Busy, busy. I like your tree and your cookies. I'm jealous because we have no snow!


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