Monday, December 9, 2013


There were some little victories at work today. My grumpy little friend actually laughed! He also sat at the table for lunch and snack (which he hasn't done without sitting in my lap) and ate some things. I love that he is doing so much better.

Those victories help when other kids are having non-listening days. Kids who are capable of understanding you but just willfully ignore you are some of the most frustrating to deal with. I had one of those today. And then she took some of the well behaved ones down with her. Circle time was very brief.

In other news, Tom and I melted the pillow part one of Buddy's beds in the dryer - oops. (And no, the dryer wasn't on high - we're smarter than that. Mostly.)


  1. Offering fabric for or to make a new flannel cover.....have some nice plaid.......have re-covered many dog pillows in my day

    1. The cover part is ok (there's a separate cover that zips around the pillow), and I just duct taped over the holey bits on the inside so it should last a bit longer! :)


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