Saturday, December 21, 2013


I got my Christmas packages sent off this morning. The line at the post office was pretty short considering Wednesday is Christmas and the man at the counter was really nice.

The snow is mostly melted and it's unseasonably warm out so Buddy and I went for a run, which we haven't managed in almost a month. I even went on a day they charge for parking, which I usually avoid.

The snow wasn't quite as melted at the park as it was by our house.

We had to walk a lot of the time because of the ice, but we ran through the snowy parts. I'd like to think I burned more calories trying not to slip in the snow. Luckily I had my trail running shoes on so I had some decent traction.

It was a little muddy in some places.

Buddy was really interested in checking out these cows.

It was actually nice because the ice made me take some new paths than I usually go on when I'm there.


And Buddy wasn't in the mood to have his picture taken.


  1. Looks like you had fun. I like the picture of buddy:)

    1. We did, it was good for both of us to get outside.


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