Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Running in the Rain

I have still not started packing. I did, however, make brownies, which is really more important in the short term if you ask me.

Yesterday I was determined to run outside. And then it was raining and I got lazy and ran inside. Today I was determined to run outside again. And then it was raining again. But this time I sucked it up and dragged myself out the door to hit the trails.

Very few people thought it was a good day for visiting the park.

But you know what? Once I just accepted the inevitable (getting completely drenched), I had a lot of fun! There was only one other crazy person out running the trails, so it was like having the place to myself.

I ran a little over 5 miles in 47:07 - I'm pretty happy with that considering the puddle dodging, mud, and hills.

Luckily I had the presence of mind to bring a towel with me to keep my car seat dry for the drive home.

This wussy dog was shivering after his last walk, so I brought out his blanket and he's much happier now, regardless of the look on his face.

You would think it was the middle of winter the way he's burrowing.

Do you like running in the rain? What's your favorite running weather?


  1. Brownies are WAY more important than packing, for sure!! I don't mind running in the rain as long as it's not a windy rain. It's actually pretty peaceful I think!

    1. It is really peaceful! I was definitely smiling like a crazy person about half of the time. :)


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