Sunday, June 28, 2015

Marathon Training Week 1

I am officially through my first week of marathon training! And I've already strayed from my training plan. Oops!

My summer running clothes somehow have no pockets, so I've had to get creative with my house key.

Monday: Monday was supposed to be a cross training day. I had grand plans to dig out my Piyo and, you know, actually cross train. But instead, I spent the entire afternoon at the laundromat, adding more and more quarters to the dryer that just didn't want to dry anything. It was fun.

Tuesday: 3 miles on the agenda, and I ran 3.14 @ 9:36 pace around the neighborhood in the 83 degree weather. It was humid, and I was not happy.

Wednesday: 5 miles. It was less humid than Tuesday, but still around 80 degrees out. I actually carried Nuun with me (I hate carrying things when I run) and finished my entire water bottle before I got home. 5.17 miles @ 9:48 pace.

Thursday: 3 miles. It was only in the upper 70s and it felt amazing after the heat of the last few days. 3.16 miles @ 8:58 pace.

Friday: Rest day! AKA yard work ALL day.

Saturday: 5 mile pace run. I wanted to keep my pace around 9:00, and the weather was on my side. It was in the mid-60s with a light rain - pretty close to my favorite running weather. 5.06 miles @ 8:59 - success!

Sunday: 6 mile "long" run. Ok, so here's where I messed with my training plan a bit. We're going to the lake house next weekend for the 4th, and while I don't mind getting out for some shorter runs while we're there, I'm not about to run the 11 miles that were planned for next Sunday. I swapped Sundays and mapped out a loop around the house for this afternoon.

It was more than a little rainy and much more than a little hilly (running in new areas I have no idea what to expect when it comes to hills).

The loop that I made ended up being 10.23 miles by the time I got back to the house, so I ran past the house (naturally) and ended up running too far before turning around (because math is hard after 10 miles). I ended up running 11.17 miles @ 9:53 pace.

As you can see, I am not good at deciding when to turn around, I always end up running more than I intend to. I'm feeling really positive about putting in my miles with the heat and the hills - watch out Steamtown, here I come!


  1. Nice! I started a marathon training program this week as well (even though I haven't picked which race to do yet but I'm planning to do one in January next year). Which race are you planning to go to?

    1. I'm going to be running the Steamtown Marathon in Pennsylvania in October. Good luck with your training! :)

  2. I think it's great that you traded your runs. Better than skipping!

    1. That was my thought - still getting the miles in, just not necessarily in order :) I'm starting on week 3 of the plan anyway because of the timing of my last half marathon.


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