Wednesday, June 24, 2015

I Almost Look Tan

Zappos is the best, isn't it? I ordered the correct size of the too small sports bra yesterday afternoon, and it was on our front porch when I got home from work today. So fast!

It was here in time for my afternoon run! Now, I know that afternoon is not the ideal time so be running when it's hot out, but there's no way I'm waking up even earlier to run and shower before work. I'm stubborn like that. And as for running later in the day, well, by then I have lost my motivation - and there are more bugs out.

Turns out I was totally spoiled by having my treadmill in the air conditioned basement. Right now it's out in the garage, so that would probably be even hotter than running outside. At least outside there's a breeze!

One of the things about running in a new area is that you never know what to expect when it comes to hills. There were a couple of seriously steep climbs during my 5 miles today, but what can you do? I'm just going to be a super-strong hill runner!

Both my new tank top and sports bra were great! The tank top is amazing, so light and no fuss - I didn't have to mess with it once. I'm keeping my eyes peeled for a sale so I can buy other colors now. I can't very well get through an entire summer of marathon training with one lightweight tank top. At least that's what I'm telling myself!

Plus, I almost look tan in this color. It's an optical illusion.

I actually took water with me on my run. If you ask anyone who has ever run with me, you'll know that I never do that. I hate carrying things when I run. It's a good thing that I did, because I drank it all. It also gave me a chance to try out the new Plus for Nuun.

Some reviews I have read said that they wanted to add more water when they used this, but I couldn't even taste a difference (it's unflavored). I don't really know if it made a difference since I wasn't doing a long run, but I figured it couldn't hurt to have some extra electrolytes while I was running in the heat.


  1. Good for you!! I'm a total Pollyanna about the heat but I'm trying to improve. My hubby runs at 5:00 no matter what, and often it's still darned hot at that time. He says you get used to it. Yay for fast shipping!

    1. I'm looking forward to the getting used to it part of running in the heat - let's hope it happens sooner rather than later! :)


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