Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Buddy's Big Adventure and New Running Things

Buddy went on an adventure this afternoon. I had an order from Brooks (yay running stuff!), and when the FedEx man came to the door, Buddy bolted. He visited a couple of neighbor's houses and played keep away for a little while before Tom sat on the grass and Buddy came running over. Brat.

Needless to say, we need to work on his off-leash training.

I had my first official run as part of my marathon training plan today. It was only 3 miles, but in the 83 degree weather, that was fine by me. I just kept telling myself that these painful runs in the heat will make cooler weather running feel SO much easier.

This is my new tank top I bought from Brooks. It's super lightweight, and has a nice flowy fit. I'm excited to take it out for my run tomorrow.

I also ordered a new sports bra since mine are a little ancient, but I didn't read the reviews as well as I should have, and it doesn't fit. Boo.

We don't currently have a washer and dryer at the house (well, we have a washer, but we don't know if it works, and it's not super useful on its own), so I spent forever at the laundromat on Monday. Do you know how many quarters it takes to start a medium sized washing machine?


You read that right, 15 quarters!

I'm pretty sure the last time I went to a laundromat it took maybe 5 or 6 quarters to do a load.

Some new goodies from Nuun arrived on Monday, I'm excited to try out the new Plus for Nuun - I'll have plenty of opportunities this training cycle!

Buddy is getting a little less freaked out when we leave the house, though he's still crying like we abandoned him.

He likes to keep us close.


  1. I like your new tank top, very pretty. Buddy is so cute, glad he made it home:)

    1. It's a good thing he's cute, because he's a weirdo.

  2. 15 quarters, oh my gosh! I also remember 5 or 6 quarters per load from back when I did laundry at the laundry mat when we lived in our first apartment. For that price hope you are getting a new washer/dryer soon!

    Scary that Buddy escaped! Glad you were able to catch him easily enough.

    1. Luckily the ridiculous attachment Buddy has to Tom keeps him from wandering too far. He has gotten out a few times since we got him, and he never goes too far - he's just having fun!

  3. Cute top! I'd like to get some lightweight tanks for the summer.

    1. Thanks! It's SUPER lightweight and very comfortable. If I see them on sale anywhere I will be buying more.


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