Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Running on Empty

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I have been terrible about getting enough sleep this week. I keep saying I am going to go to bed early, and then time gets away from me and it just doesn't happen. I'm working on it. 

In theory.

I had a really good run yesterday! It almost didn't happen, because I was full of excuses and really didn't want to run, but I was happy after about a mile. 

My training plan called for a 40 minute tempo run, and due to my procrastination, I did not have 40 minutes of daylight left. Fortunately, I had my super cool light up vest and my Knuckle lights that Tom got me for Christmas. The combo definitely made me highly visible and I had no problem seeing the road. Pretty cool!

I felt super strong on this run, and ended up with just over 5 miles at an 8:59 pace. 8:39 pace if you don't include my warm up mile.

And then there's today's run. It was only supposed to be 3 miles at an easy pace, but I had nothing left.

Apparently if I race a 10k, a 5k, and have a killer tempo run over the course of five days, it will catch up to me.

I managed 2.5 miles at a 10:22 pace.

Most of the sheetrock is up in the addition now, they started taping and mudding in the living room today.

In even more exciting news: Tom fixed our bathtub today! The shower has been draining more and more slowly for a while now. Every time anyone showered they ended up standing in several inches of water. It was getting pretty gross. Now it drains better than ever and I'm weirdly excited for my shower tomorrow! 

It's the little things. :)


  1. Your house looks like it's coming along nicely! Running a 5K at full speed can take a lot of you ! I find it that shorter distances at faster pace take more out of me than long runs.

    1. Yep the house is starting to get closer! Well, this part of the project anyway...

  2. I had thosse knuckle lights on my Xmas list! But I didn't tell anybody so I still don't have any. I wondered how they would work if you're constantly swinging your arms back and forth?

    1. The beam is so wide that it doesn't shake like crazy when you swing your arms. It creates more of an area of light rather than a beam. I really like them so far!


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