Friday, February 5, 2016

Nuun Year Dash!

We woke up to snow this morning. The weather forecast called for a dusting to an inch, but we ended up getting enough snow to cover the roads and cancel school in the area. 

Buddy made sure to warm his nose up by the fire. It's actually already noticeably warmer in the house with the new insulation, and it isn't even all in yet!

Nuun hosted a virtual race this weekend, and I signed up to run the 10k. All the official goodies arrived last week. They don't skimp on the swag!

I planned on running my race today, since we have a 5k on Sunday, so I waited for the roads to clear and hit the pavement.

I wasn't sure what kind of pace to expect since I had a cold all week (and haven't raced in a couple of months). I kept my watch on distance and just focused on running harder than I would for a regular training run. That plan seemed to work well, sometimes I get frustrated when I check my pace too often, but I felt strong and ended up being pleasantly surprised when I uploaded my run.

10k in 55:42, an 8:57 pace.

I celebrated with a double dose of watermelon Nuun with a dash of vitamin c powder, because I like it a little sour.

The insulation guys started putting up drywall today! It's hard to see because there aren't lights in the room yet, but look, walls!

The plumber is coming this weekend to get the heat hooked up in the addition, and then the rest of the drywall will get installed next week. It's exciting to see so much progress!


  1. Replies
    1. I like running in the snow too, but I run on the road, so I have to make sure the roads are clear enough that cars won't kill me. People drive like maniacs.

  2. Yay for progress on the house! It's always nice when construction people show up. Can you tell we've had some nightmares on that front?

    1. We only had that problem with getting estimates from people. They would show up and then never send us the estimate. Don't you want our money?

  3. Congrats on such a great run time! Also, very exciting that progress is being made in your house project. I can't wait to see how it turns out!

    1. Thanks! I can't wait until the house is finished, it's going o be so nice!

  4. Nice pace, especially considering you were getting over being sick! I hope the house project work continues to progress quickly!

    1. Thanks! The house is probably still going to be a while, but progress is always nice! :)

  5. A lot of my friends did this and it looked like such a fun time. Nice work and pace after everything you went through!

    1. Virtual races are tricky for me, it's hard to make myself run fast without the hoopla of an actual race.


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