Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Apparently, I'm Awesome

Speed work seems to be paying off!

I had a tempo run on the schedule for Tuesday, and I was not feeling it until over a mile in. Once I got going, I started to feel better, and ended up having a strong run.

Look what a warm up mile can do for you:

As a side note: my brief moment of tank top weather is over. It was snowing in my face on Tuesday and absolutely pouring this afternoon.

I had 3 easy miles on the plan for today, and it seemed like the rain was letting up, so I hit the road.

The rain did not let up. There were a couple of good downpours while I was running, but you can really only get soaking wet once, and then it doesn't matter so much.

You would think that drivers would use a bit of common sense (pouring rain = water on the road = maybe slow down as you drive by a runner), but only one car actually slowed down as they passed me.

Thanks neighbors.

We do have one nice neighbor who informed me that I'm awesome as I ran by her in the rain. I'll take it.

I hit up my yoga mat and reintroduced my legs to the foam roller after I got home.

I did not miss the foam roller, in case you were wondering. 

On a happier (than foam rolling) note: I have definitely noticed an increase in flexibility since I started doing yoga consistently at the beginning of the year. It's pretty cool. 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Jan! Speed work and yoga seem to be paying off!

  2. Yes, You are AWESOME! Good job! Spring is finally coming! Although we were pretty lucky with a mild winter, spring is very much welcome!

    Foam rolling is a pain!! but it does get some of the pains out!

    1. It was such a mild winter, I really shouldn't complain!

      Foam rolling is terrible, but the more I do it, the less it hurts.

  3. It's great that you're seeing the payoffs of both spadework and yoga! Hopefully, this will mean a fast and healthy year of training for you.

    I find that most people, especially non-runners, generally tend to lose sight of pedestrians (and cyclists) when they get behind the wheel of a car.

    1. You can always tell who the runner-drivers are - they give you as much space as possible! :)


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