Thursday, December 3, 2015

Time Flies

Well, hi there!

I feel like I haven't posted anything in forever! I keep thinking about it, and just haven't made it to the computer. There have actually been days this week that I never turned my computer on, which is rare.

I can't even say what has been keeping me away, because thinking back over the last few days, I don't really know. I don't feel like I've been doing much more than usual, but I must be, because the days keep flying by.

I've been: teaching classes, moving firewood, helping Tom assemble a garage-in-a-box for the tractor, going to the grocery store, making dinner, doing dishes, doing laundry, Christmas shopping...just living life I guess.

I actually started writing this on Wednesday afternoon, and here we are and it's Thursday. Whoops!

My running has been generally lazy since my run with the group on Saturday, but I did get in a good 4 miles worth of intervals this afternoon. I am still liking my Moov Now a lot, and I will try to get a review up for you. Eventually.

I spent more time than I care to admit carefully peeling that blue Nuun sticker off of a box today so I could add it to my training log.

The box was from this cute skullcap that I won on Twitter last week. Yay free stuff!

In case you're having Buddy withdrawals, here's a picture from the other night when he invited himself onto the couch. 

Anything new and exciting with you? How's the Christmas shopping going?


  1. I'm the same way...I just haven't felt the blog bug lately. Maybe it will come back! I'm sure your house is keeping you plenty busy!

    1. There's a lot of hurry up and wait with the house stuff. I'm ready for it to be done!

  2. I'm the same way...I just haven't felt the blog bug lately. Maybe it will come back! I'm sure your house is keeping you plenty busy!

  3. I looked at houses this weekend. Was hoping to move closer to the boyfriend but it looks like I'll be staying put. I don't have the time or the funds for a fixer-upper.

    1. It takes a lot of both time and funds! It's crazy how much things cost! I would keep an eye out though, things are always popping up.


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