Sunday, December 13, 2015

The Best Intentions

I had planned on getting back to the blog sooner. The days around the holidays just go by so quickly!

I tried to update iTunes the other day. The install failed and then I had no iTunes at all. I then spent several days trying to figure out the problem. In the end, I have no idea which of the many things I tried actually solved the problem, but at least I have access to my music and audiobooks again.

Technology is fun like that.

Buddy is the best training partner. I don't know anyone who is always this excited to go for a run.

I have been taking him with me two days a week for 2-3 miles, and he's doing great! He gets so excited when I change into my running clothes, and I always feel bad when I don't take him with me. Maybe someday we'll work up to longer runs.

I couldn't pass these up at the grocery store the other day. They're already gone.

I met up with my old running group again on Saturday. I was really tired, but it ended up being a really nice run on the trails. It was almost too hot by the time we finished. Our weather is really weird right now (way too warm for December), it doesn't feel like Christmas is almost here.

When I got home I hung out (in my running gear) with the lap dog for a while.

And I learned that there is an entire channel just hanging out, waiting for the Star Wars red carpet. Seems weird.

I had a long run on my (made up) training plan for today. I was shooting for 10, but quickly realized that was not going to happen. I don't know if it was the weather, my 7 miles on Saturday, or if I'm just tired, but every mile was a struggle today.

I pushed through and my last mile was actually my fastest least slow, so at least I rallied and finished 8 miles strong.

What's your weather doing? 

How's your running lately?


  1. I hear you on the weather, it's definitely been too warm here in Florida. It's hard to feel festive for Christmas when it's like this.

    1. I was walking around in a tee shirt today - it's the middle of December! So weird.

  2. The weather is so warm here, too! I ran last night in SHORTS in the rain. At 8 p.m.! So strange and not very Christmas-y. I guess this is what Florida Christmas feels like.

    Buddy's doing awesome running!

    1. I was holding out hope that it might cool off for Christmas, but it doesn't look like it's going to.

  3. Here in PA is was beautifully warm yesterday! and it was awesome to not be worried about how to keep my ear warm.. because my ears are always my biggest concern :~)

    Just got back to long runs on Sunday, did my 9 miles... next week it will be harder, because of the holiday all I want to do it stay inside at eat cookies!

    1. It's SO hard to keep to a workout schedule around the holidays. I try to remember that something is always better than nothing, but sometimes the cookies win. :)

  4. I'm so jelly of your very cute running partner but you already knew that! It's been warm and swampy here. Crazy. Temps are dropping though. All those Oreo flavors so little time. I keep looking away but key lime? Yum!

    1. The key lime was good, though I feel like they're not technically oreos since they're graham cookies instead of chocolate. I'm still hoping the weather cools off a bit for Christmas. Between the weather and my lack of tree, it's not very festive!


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