Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Wintery Weather

It snowed last night!

Ok, so it mostly sleeted and made a mess around the neighborhood, but that's a step toward some actual winter weather! I'm not complaining. I've been waiting all summer/fall for some cooler running weather. Bring it on!

We spent the morning waiting for the building inspector to come, and after several hours we found out he had his schedule all messed up and would come in the afternoon instead.

Tom is on the hunt for some new running shoes, so we took a bit of time before lunch to check out a few stores around us. The holidays must have wiped everybody's stock out, because there were hardly any options.

Then we had to rush home to eat some lunch before the inspector arrived. On the bright side, we didn't have to rush to get lunch eaten. He was late again. But at least the rough plumbing inspection is done and now we can move on to the next step.

With a half hour before sunset, Tom and I hit the road for a quick run, and managed to avoid the icy patches.

After laying around for longer than I should have post-run, I did a little yoga (with Adriene - she's my favorite). I was really sore after Sunday's yoga class and run. I'm not sure if it was just the yoga class (which was challenging) or the combination of a tough class followed by a run, but either way, the only thing I wanted to do yesterday was some really gentle yoga/stretching.

I still find it a little strange that I like yoga all of a sudden, but I'm just going with it.

My mom gave us more Blue Apron for Christmas, which we're really excited about! I had so much fun with the recipes last time. I can't wait to see what we get this time around. Our next box will be here tomorrow! For tonight though, we're planning on Chinese food, which I'm also excited about. :)

What's for dinner at your house? 

Are you excited for winter weather?


  1. I am glad winter has arrived. As much as I loved the warm weather, the cold feels good for a change. Dinner last night was grilled chicken and vegetable soup. Boring, but... Tonight I'm going to Chipotle. Not boring.

    1. You know, I don't think I've ever been to Chipotle...

  2. Buddy! I just wanna smooch his face and love on him! Is he a boxer mix? Either beautiful dog and SO sweet. I'm in the SE and we have a high of 79...no winter weather coming soon! I've bookmarked Adrianna's yoga channel and I'm going to try the 30 day challenge with you!

    1. Buddy would love that :) He's a mutt, but surprisingly has no boxer in him (we had him DNA tested).

      Hooray for yoga camp! I'm so excited that you're going to do it too!

  3. Am I excited about the winter weather? No...... but it is what it is! We have had a yucky weather week--an ice storm earlier this week, which turned to slush, and now ice. Covered with fresh snow. My run this morning was a little tricky! The snow is pretty...I'll give you that!

    1. I might be biased since I haven't had to drive in it yet. The ice is the worst!

  4. It snowed here too this week, and I am so not excited about it haha. I just spent an hour and a half chiseling ice off my driveway and it's still not done!

    1. Ok, icy driveways are not fun, but I love actually having seasons! I'm used to Oregon weather which is mostly rain :)

  5. We got frost this week too! Hallelujah! Summer lasted forever around here.

    Chinese actually sounds good. I'll be over around 6! Lol

    1. Right? I like having seasons :) Though I'd be ok if it wasn't as snowy as last year!


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