Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Goals and Decorations

It's almost the end of the year, that time when everyone starts thinking about the things they've done and the things they wish were different. For me today, that meant thinking back over this year's races.

My main goal this year was to finish my first marathon. I wasn't really focused on getting faster, just putting in the miles to make sure I finished Steamtown upright and happy.

I ran four half marathons this year, all right around two hours. A shiny new PR evaded me all year. I feel like if I'm going to improve my times, it's going to take more than just running. If I really want to get faster, I'm going to need to mix things up, and add some - gasp - strength training. The problem with strength training is that every time I think about doing any, I think "no, I don't really want to do that." So that's something I'm going to have to work on.

We don't have a space for the Christmas tree this year, but I have decorated the lights next to the tv. Plus we put holiday M&Ms in the gumball machine, so that's festive.

I also wrapped a bunch of presents, but it's not the same without a tree. Tom keeps teasing and saying "maybe we'll have a tree next year." I told him there was no maybe about it.

We got all dressed up over the weekend for a holiday dinner. It's the one day a year that we actually dress up, so we made sure to get photographic proof.

And here's an obligatory Buddy picture for you. I know you only read the blog to see Buddy ;)


  1. Congrats on achieving your goal of running your first marathon! That is a big deal. Definitely something to celebrate.
    Buddy looks like a chill dog. :)

    1. Thanks Shannon! Chill is definitely a good word for Buddy - he sleeps all the time! :)

  2. The marathon is a huge goal fulfilled right there. Thanks for my Buddy fix! : )

  3. I definitely do stop by to see Buddy! And to get update on your life/house/running of course 😉


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