Wednesday, May 20, 2015

You're Welcome

I did another solo run around the neighborhood yesterday. It really is much nicer than the basement has been lately. Ever since it started getting warm out, the basement has been super hot, even with the fan. Now if only the neighborhood was a little less hilly...

I'm starting to develop a freckle line where my watch sits. I don't actually tan, so there are just lighter and darker freckles instead.

Today's run was a tempo. I did a 1 mile warm up, ran 5 miles @ 8:34 and a 1 mile cool down. The basement was ridiculously hot, but I got it done.

I am still doing the lunge matrix and leg swings before my runs, and I've done the myrtl routine after every run this week. After last week's race, I'm determined to finish faster at my next half. If a little strength/cross training helps, then I will absolutely do some.

In other news: here's a picture of a dog butt. You're welcome.

I hope you're having a great week!


  1. Buddy doesn't seem to mind showing off his best side! I still need to fit in a run today to make the week great!

    1. Haha - as long as he's on a couch, Buddy's pretty happy! :)

      I hope you got your run in!

  2. I love the freckle tan! My mom has red hair and she is the same way. Yay for continuing your strength training!!

    1. I had two redheaded grandmas, so I have the redhead skin :)

  3. Ooh, thanks for the myrtl link! I do some of those, but I really need to add the others before I train for my next marathon!

    1. I feel like there are so many exercises I should do, and I'm SO bad about doing them! The myrtl exercises are quick and easy so I actually do them. :)


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