Sunday, May 3, 2015

Heavy Legs and Shorts Shopping

I have a special request for the universe: please leave my toes alone, specifically those on my left foot. In the last few days I have dropped the dog gate on one toe and shredded the cuticle, buddy scratched one to the point of bleeding, and I stubbed another on the coffee table. I'm running out of toes, so please, give it a rest.

I did my run on Thursday in my Altras to give my poor toes some extra room. 4 easy treadmill miles.

On Saturday, I planned on doing my long run like I did last week - half with the group, and half after on my own. It was a beautiful morning, clear skies and about 50 degrees. And then when we started running, my legs felt like they weighed a couple hundred pounds apiece. I had to push pretty much the entire run to keep up with the group.

I was feeling a bit better by the end (around 6.5 miles in) and was trying to convince myself to go out for a few extra miles, when one of the guys offered to go back out with me. Up until last year I was pretty much a solo runner, and I never realized how much easier it is to run with people. We did another 4 miles, bringing me up to about 10.5. I was planning on 13, so I didn't quite hit that goal, but considering I wanted to stop after mile 2, I'm happy with 10.5.

The funny thing is that my running buddy had run before meeting up with the group and was heading back out for a few more miles after I went home. When I left he was almost at 17 miles for the day - and he isn't training for anything!

I went on a running shorts shopping expedition in the afternoon. I have a pair of shorts I use for treadmill runs, but they're not something I want to run in outside (they're short and spandex). I have always had problems with looser shorts riding up and driving me insane, but I also know that I won't get through marathon training this summer trying to run in my capris.

After trying on pretty much every single pair of shorts in the store, I picked up a pair of Oiselle Rogas. I'll let you know what I think once I get a chance to test them out.

I'll leave you with some springy pictures from the neighborhood:

The lonely white flower from a couple weeks ago has some company now.

Do you have running shorts that you love?


  1. Good job on your running even though you weren't feeling it. My favorite shorts are Nike Tempo they are a little bit longer and pretty loose.

    1. Thanks :) I just view those miles as extra mental training! I haven't tried any Nike shorts since college - I may have to check them out.

  2. What beautiful spring pics. I love how our neighborhoods seems to just come to "life" once spring arrives. I wish it could look like that all year long. PS, How do you like those Altras? They are the Lone Peak, right? I have always been a fan of the more cushiony shoe but perhaps I should consider some other styles!

    1. I know, spring seems like it happened overnight around here!
      I like the Altras (they're Superior 1.5s) so far, though I haven't taken them for anything over 4 miles yet. I like having less cushioning because I like to be able to feel the ground a little more.

  3. What kind of Altras do you run in? I use the Intuitions! My favorite running shorts are the Nike Pro shorts. I've been running in them for years!

    1. They're Superior 1.5s - I haven't run long in them yet, but so far I like them!

  4. As we're heading into the height of the Summer I'm actually on the hunt for a great pair of running shorts. I have a few pairs that I have tried so far but I can't say I LOVE them. I'm going to check out the ones you posted ;)

    1. I'm going to be taking them for a run tomorrow, so I'll know more then, but people really seem to like them. Let me know if you find any great ones! :)


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