Monday, May 11, 2015

Super Random

It's taper week for me, so there's not a lot of terribly exciting things to report. I ran 4 miles today - exciting, no?

Instead I'm going to give you a bit of a photo dump. Most of it is pictures of Buddy, so I think you'll enjoy it. 

I got a new cell phone case! Yes, those are cheeseburgers. One of my college roommates has an Etsy shop (check it out HERE) full of her super cute artwork and a shop at Society6 (browse away!) as well. 

A wasp decided to make his (her?) home in our mailboxes. See it in the upper right corner? It isn't there anymore because Tom is much braver than I am and took care of it. He didn't get stung or anything!

New seasonal chapstick flavors!

How is this comfortable?

Buddy in the springtime.

An upside down view.

Up close and personal.

He's kind of a weirdo.

I'm starting the race week ritual of checking the weather and trying to decide on a time goal. Right now it looks like a high in the mid 70s with light rain. I'm hoping that changes. As for a time goal...well, I've still got some time to think about that.


  1. Great pictures! and I like your new cover

  2. OMG, wasps!!! They are probably my least-favorite thing. I would not check the mail for a year if that happened to me. I just found an old wasp nest (from last year at least) in a flower pot, which means once it's warm, I will NOT be picking up a flower pot.

    Love the new cell phone cover. So creative!

    1. Right? Wasps are terrible. I almost abandoned my keys there the first day I saw it.


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