Saturday, November 22, 2014

The cold makes us faster

I am super tired today. But I did it to myself, so I shouldn't whine. I stayed up too late (doing nothing) last night and was up at 6:45 to get ready to meet up with the group for our run.

Buddy thought it was too early and went back to bed after I gave him breakfast.

 I actually wore a long sleeved shirt under my running jacket this week (usually it's just a tank top). I did not run in my slippers.

It was a chilly one this morning. Really chilly.

Apparently the cold made us faster, we finished our usual 6.6 mile run at an 8:53 pace - on the leaf-covered trails.

I was very happy to sit down with a hot cup of coffee when I got home.

I tried these chips from my RunnerBox today. I have zero idea how they managed to get 21 grams of protein in there.

They were really good, but somehow oddly extra crunchy. I would probably buy them if I saw them at the store. 

This afternoon we had some group hang out on the couch time. Buddy was pretty excited. And by excited, I mean he slept the whole time.

A cuddling Buddy is a happy Buddy.


  1. That is a very zippy 6.6-miler! I was just reading that cold actually makes you slower so you must be getting faster! :) Silly Buddy...such a tough life.

    1. Right? Poor Buddy, so abused. ;)

      I'll take that cold weather statistic! Congrats on your speedy 10k!


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