Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Health insurance and a new RunnerBox

I was very responsible this morning. I spent a ridiculous amount of time figuring out my health insurance for next year. It really shouldn't have taken that long, since all I wanted to do was renew the plan I already had, but that's health insurance for you.

Then I did a little running. Since I'm not working right now I feel like it's extra lazy if I don't run.

I got a treat in the mail!

It always comes in a padded envelope, but this time it had extra goodies that didn't fit inside.

I'm excited to try some new snacks, plus I never turn down lip balm! I'm really intrigued by those protein chips - that bag has 21 grams of protein!

I almost bought that root beer GU the other day at REI, but couldn't decide if it would be good or not - now I get to find out!

How did they know I love purple?

I may have a charm on the way to replace the cardboard "what motivates you" - it's going to say "Run and be happy." :) Apparently I was very suggestible this afternoon. If you're feeling suggestible you can check out all their jewelry HERE.

I really enjoy the RunnerBox more when it's mostly snacky things - I dig food.


  1. I have that Rootbeer GU but did not try it yet! Let me know what you think of it!

    1. Tried it today - no bad. Not my favorite, but not bad. I don't know if it was weird because it was like flat root beer or because the flavor was slightly off.


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