Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Running Outside and a Buddy Selfie

I have spent so many runs on my treadmill lately that it feels weird to run outside. It was really pretty out Monday afternoon, so after I dragged my feet for a while, I ran a few miles around the neighborhood. 

It felt hot!

My legs were still a little sore from the trail race on Saturday (mostly the outside of my right shin, which is random), so I wasn't breaking any speed records, but it was a decent run. It always feels like a bigger accomplishment to actually run outside on my own. My laziness is really impressive, and it's much easier to just run on the treadmill.

The yard is getting green again, and the flowers are starting to bloom!

Today was cloudy, so I didn't feel guilty about running on the treadmill. 3 easy miles followed by some Post-Run Power Exercises from the Foodie Runner (she has a half marathon PR of 1:21:23, so I feel like she knows what she's talking about). I've been trying to do these exercises after easy runs lately, and I have lofty goals of trying to actually do some strength training/cross training again (this is a never ending goal, as I have not found a way to actually stick to it).

This is as close to a Buddy selfie as I've managed. He always turns away from the camera or tries to lick my face.


  1. I can't wait to get my pain under control so I can get out there and run in this gorgeous weather we have now!

    1. I hope you get to feeling better soon - being injured is terrible!

  2. Your outdoors is gorgeous!! Can't believe that was all covered in snow just a few weeks before.

    Buddy is so photogenic, the camera loves him.

    1. Too bad the feeling isn't mutual! Buddy can sense when I turn the camera on my phone on and always looks away! :)

  3. One thing that's consistent in your Buddy pics is his look of slight annoyance at being photographed. LOL!


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