Saturday, April 25, 2015

A Long Run and Group Nap Time

Winter feels like it is never going to give up this year. We had snow flurries on Thursday and freeze warnings the last few days. This morning it was chilly and I actually had to track down my running jacket.

Fun fact: my hair is fine, but super slippery and it usually takes 3 elastics to keep it in check. I know you were all wondering.

I actually managed to leave on time (I'm not good at that on Saturday mornings) to go meet up with the group. We ran our usual loop and complained about how cold it was. After a short break, I headed back out to get in some more miles. I had already told Tom I was planning on doing my long run today, or I might have been tempted to get back in the car and drive home.

Getting almost 7 miles in with the group definitely made the rest of my run not seem so long. I may need to find someone to run long with when I start marathon training later this year.

After I got home and showered I made biscuits and gravy, which I promptly devoured. I'm getting much more successful making biscuits with my grandma's recipe - practice makes perfect!

Then we watched tv and had group nap time (I actually napped a little bit today!). Buddy was loving it.

This was $1 at the grocery store the other day, I couldn't pass it up.

And watermelon Nuun is back for the summer, so I restocked my supply the other day. I love that Nuun almost always has a water bottle or pint glass that they put in with every order (they post on the home page when they're available) - naturally, I love that this one is a watermelon water bottle.

I'm looking forward to not setting an alarm in the morning, fingers crossed I actually manage to sleep in!


  1. Yay for 13 miles! That is a cute water bottle!

    1. My next half is sneaking up on me so a long run was in order :)

  2. Wow, nice job on the long run! Slipping into marathon training will be no problem. Is anyone else in your group doing a marathon?

    1. I'm sure a bunch of the group will be running marathons this fall. I'm one of the only ones who hasn't run one yet. The trouble will be when we move and I'm not so close to the group anymore.

  3. Running 13 miles when training for a half marathon seems soooo long. Running 13 miles when training for a full marathon seems soooo short.

    Love that Nuun bottle! I didn't know they did that!

    1. I'm excited for the challenge of marathon training later this year, it's going to be interesting :)


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