Tuesday, March 1, 2016

I'm a LEGEND Compression Ambassador!

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It was SO nice on Sunday! Buddy was pretty psyched. 

Tom has been working on finishing up the back porch roof, and I was put in charge of burning all the scrap wood.

I had an absolutely miserable run on Monday. I felt off (possibly getting sick?) but figured I would feel better after a mile or so. It was supposed to be a 5 mile run, and I cut it short at 3 miles.

Today's run started off in a similar fashion, but fortunately it picked up after a bit. I had repeats on the plan for today, so I ran 9x400m repeats with 400m recovery walk/jogs. Normally I would do a 200m recovery, but since there's a limited flat area in my neighborhood I like to start and end at the same place to avoid hills. A little extra recovery in between intervals never hurts either.

As an added bonus, I was in shorts and a tank top for most of my run (I did start with a jacket) - it was a nice change from wearing all the layers.

I wore my snazzy LEGEND Compression calf sleeves for my repeats. They're seriously the softest compression gear I've ever tried and I'm super excited to rep them at all my races this year as a LEGEND ambassador!

LEGEND not only carries performance socks, sleeves and recovery socks (which have a higher level of compression to speed recovery), they also have business/dress socks and stockings if you can't get away with wearing yoga pants all day ;)

Use code AmbFriend2016 to get 15% off!

And this is what happens when Buddy goes into the unfinished addition and then walks on my yoga mat:

At least he looks a little sorry.


  1. I just started using compression socks and I don't know why I waited so long! (Just kidding, it's because I'm poor.) They're so amazing and now I need to buy at least 300 more pairs.

    1. I'm a big fan of compression sleeves because I am randomly super picky about what socks I run in. I like a little more padding than most compression socks have in the foot. They can be speedy, but they last a while if you keep them out of the dryer. :)


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