Monday, March 21, 2016

The Great Marathon Debate

So, I'm having a debate about my fall marathon.

I am thinking about signing up for the Marine Corps Marathon (MCM) lottery later this week. The race is at the end of October, and I have only ever heard good things about it. Several of my friends from my running group are also entering the lottery.

I have never been to Washington DC, and the marathon would be a really fun way to see the sights. Plus, it's always fun to run different races.

But, I'm also considering running the Steamtown Marathon again (instead). I am a small race lover at heart - give me short lines, small towns and friendly runners. I really enjoyed running Steamtown last year and I would love to go back.

Part of my debate also centers around my mom's visit in October. If I get into the MCM, I will be training while she's here. On the other hand, if I run Steamtown, she could come to the race the first weekend of her visit and then I could be less running focused for the rest of her trip.

And really, there may not even be a debate to be had, since MCM isn't a sure thing.

Decisions, decisions.


  1. I had a friend who put his name in the mix for the chicago marathon last year but it fell on the same day as the Staten Island half/Rock n Roll Brooklyn half back-to-back weekend that he didn't want to miss out on so he didn't run chicago. I thought it was crazy but after a while I realized he wanted to be with his friends. Sometimes even though we think of big races the local ones win out. If you apply but don't get in, you can always plan a trip to DC next April and run the Cherry Blossom 10-miler (I'm running it this year so I'll let you know how it is.) But wouldn't it be nice to have your mom there on race day. Decisions decisions. So glad I opted out of full marathons this year. I am still crippled from my 10 mile training run on Saturday. LOL.

    1. It would definitely be more fun to have my mom around for race day than leaving her at my house while I go out for a 20 mile training run. I will probably apply to MCM and see what happens. I could always defer if I get in to MCM as well...

  2. I say sign up for the lottery and if you don't get in, you can always register for Steamtown. Running is DC is pretty cool! and I've read great things for MCM. Good luck!

    1. Running in DC would be awesome, for sure! I'll probably enter the lottery and see what happens.

  3. I ran MCM the year before it went to a lottery and I'm so glad I did. It's a fantastic race that's right up there with my faves. Just get in the lottery.

  4. I agree with Ana and Marcia: enter the lottery and see if you get into MCM. Steamtown will still be there if you don't.


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