Monday, August 17, 2015

Marathon Training Week 8

Monday: Cross Training. I almost didn't do anything because I taught extra classes on Monday (I'm teaching preschool gymnastics classes) and I was really tired, but I convinced myself to do a quick 30 minutes of yoga. I have actually noticed a bit more flexibility since I started consistently doing yoga. Go figure.

Tuesday: 4 miles. I turned my watch display to distance, and ran by feel. It was a good run overall. 4.05 miles @ 9:17 pace.

Wednesday: 8 miles. This run was a lesson/reminder that food is fuel and if you try to run 8 miles without eating enough throughout the day, it won't go well. While my pace ended up being decent, I just felt like I was dragging the entire run. 8.11 miles @ 9:16 pace.

Thursday: 4 miles. Tom decided to run 5k, so we ran the first mile and a half together. There's something about having that second pair of shoes hitting the pavement that makes a run feel easier. I was feeling good and pushed the pace a bit on the way home (we both ran out and back). 4 miles @ 8:52 pace.

Friday: Rest day. Indeed. We went to a bar near our house to watch some preseason football. I had more beer than I should have and stayed up way later than I should have.

Saturday: 8 miles. I was thisclose to not running at all, but I got my new hydration pack and wanted to try it out before my 17 miler on Sunday. It was not a good run, but I felt better when I got home, and I was glad that I made myself get out the door. 4 miles @ 9:43 pace.

Sunday: 17 miles. I was up at 5 and out the door a little after 6. I was super impressed with myself. I'm not so good at getting out the door early in the morning. My new hydration pack worked out nicely, I like it a lot better than the waist belt - less bouncing! I somehow managed to run an even hillier course than last weekend, 1762 feet of elevation according to my watch. I'm hoping all these hills give me super powers. 17 miles @ 10:51 pace.

Miles this week: 37.16


  1. Woohoo great week! Glad you were able to incorporate rest/fun and some great runs. That 17-miler is VERY impressive!

    1. Thank you! It's hard to get past the pace sometimes, but knowing how hilly it is really helps me feel less slow :)

  2. So proud and a tad jealous you were up and out so early for your long run. I like that you are feeling more flexibility from yoga. Maybe this will incentivize me to start.

    1. Thanks! :) I really like the Yoga Studio app - it lets you pick anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour, so it's easy to sneak a few minutes in and not feel like I have to carve out hours every week for yoga. They also have some yoga for runners options that I've been doing after most of my runs.


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