Sunday, August 30, 2015

Marathon Training Week 10

I'm a pretty big fan of cutback weeks. I hit my mileage this week, and had a couple of good runs.

Even though my pace hasn't been where I want it to be (I'm still blaming summer weather and the hills around here), some of the hills that I run all the time haven't felt as steep lately. I'm not saying that the hills aren't tough, but I feel like I'm finally feeling stronger.

Monday: Cross training. My lazy yoga game is still going strong. One hour of yoga, followed by some headstand practice where I didn't fall right and tweaked my neck. It was better after a few days, but it definitely put a damper on some of my runs.

Tuesday: 5 miles. My neck was sore from my yoga wipe out and my legs were sore from my long run. I mostly just wanted to stop the entire time. 5 miles @ 10:04

Wednesday: 5 miles. I felt way better for this run. My neck and legs felt a lot better, and it was a little cooler out. I'm so ready for fall to get here. 5.06 miles @ 9:21

Thursday: 5 miles. Remember when I was insanely tired last week? I made it until later in the week this time, but it caught up to me again. I may have actually napped for a little while this time. Tom insists that I was asleep at one point, but I didn't feel like I did.

Friday: Rest day. I decided to get Thursday's run in on Friday. It didn't feel amazing, but it was faster than earlier in the week. There was a noticeable difference as the soreness from my long run subsided. 5.03 miles @ 9:10

Saturday: 8 mile pace run. This run made me a little nervous. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to hit a goal pace (9:00) since I haven't been very speedy lately. It ended up being a really good run, and a nice boost of confidence. 8 miles @ 8:52

Sunday: 13 miles. You know you're marathon training when you say, "I only have 13 miles today." Only. I guess it's all relative! This run definitely felt short compared to last weekend's 18 miles, It was a pretty uneventful run overall, though I could have done without the humidity. 13 miles @ 10:18

Miles this week: 36.09


  1. 5 running days a week?! Wow that's impressive :)

    1. Thanks! Mostly it's tricky to actually lace up my shoes and get out the door 5 days a week :)

  2. Wow, nice mileage and pace too! Looks like your marathon training is going very well. Good for you and inspiration for me!! Keep up the good work!!

    1. Thank you! Some weeks are definitely easier than others - now I just need to survive my first 20 miler this weekend!

  3. Nice week Becky! I need some lazy yoga (well any yoga) in my life. I'm finally getting to the point where a 13-mile long run is a relief compared to the rest of the long runs. I see you're doing Steamtown! Can't wait to hear about it. I've heard many great things!

    1. Thanks! Isn't it funny how 13 miles can suddenly seem short? I have only heard good things about Steamtown, so I'm really looking forward to it!

  4. If only my tongue was long enough to reach to the bottom of the PB jar. Lucky Buddy!


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