Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Seen On My Run

I thought of you today. No, really, I did! I was about to head out for my run and decided to throw my phone into my fuel belt (I almost never bring it with me) so I could take some pictures for you guys.

Most of these were taken while running, so kudos to my phone for making them not look like I took them while running.

This tree has problems.

There are usually a bunch of cows by the lake, too. It's a pretty place to run if you don't mind the hills.

I also got fun mail today - new shoes! I have a couple of pairs that either already need to be retired, or are almost there, so these were definitely necessary.

I'm already excited to run tomorrow!


  1. That is so pretty! Your new area looks so rural. How far away is the closest town and how big is it? Love the "cow crossing" sign.

    1. There are a few towns about 20 minutes away from us (it's about 20 minutes to the nearest grocery store, too). Population-wise, they're around 20-30 thousand people.

    2. 20 minutes from town is pretty far! You are roughing it! :)

    3. It's a bit of an adjustment :)


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