Sunday, July 12, 2015

Marathon Training Week 3

These weeks are creeping by awfully quickly. I'm following a 16 week training plan (well, an 18 week one that I skipped the first two weeks of), which means my marathon is in 13 weeks already - what?!

I actually followed my training plan this week for a change.

Monday: Cross training. Yep, that's twice now I've managed to do Piyo. I always feel really good after I do the workout, I just have a really hard time actually doing it for some reason.

Tuesday: 3 miles. It was about 80 degrees and ridiculously humid. I felt like I was running through water, and I just couldn't make my legs move any faster. 3.11 miles at 9:15 pace.

Wednesday: 6 Miles. My TomTom has bluetooth, so I've gotten really bad about plugging it in. I just sync it with my phone to upload my runs. Somewhere around 4 miles, I looked down to see a sad dead battery symbol, so I had to estimate my time/pace based on what time I started my run. It was another humid day, so I was taking it slow and just getting my miles in. I ended up running 6.02 miles (I ran out and back and I turned around at 3.01) at around a 10:38 pace.

Thursday: 3 miles. We finally had some cooler weather, and I was feeling really good. I had a pretty good pace going, and really pushed the last mile. I ended up running 3.1 miles in 26:43 - an 8:36 pace. My last mile was a speedy 7:46!

Friday: Rest day. I spent some time hanging out at the laundromat and "helped" Tom with the driveway project.

I just started reading Marathon by Hal Higdon, and that helped pass the time at the laundromat. It's pretty inspiring so far and has a lot of fun quotes and stories from different runners.

Saturday: 6 miles. This weekend was supposed to be really hot, so I planned on getting up early(ish) to run - and I did! It was a little cooler running first thing in the morning (I started at 7:30am), though the temperature did go up about 10 degrees while I was running. 6.1 miles at 9:21 pace.

Sunday: 12 miles. The wake up early plan didn't go quite as smoothly today, though I still managed to get out the door by 8:30am. I wore my fuel belt (which I am not a fan of), and ran on some roads I haven't run on yet. It was way hillier than I thought it was going to be. It was also pretty hot as most of the roads weren't very shady.

I disturbed some people at the gas station that was my turn around point by bringing my sweaty self inside to use the restroom and buy water to refill my water bottles. I got some funny looks!

Most of the uphill was on the way home, so I was dragging, and I had to walk a couple small sections of hills, but I finished my 12 miles at a 10:16 pace. Not bad at all considering the weather and my poor course research.

After I got home and ate everything in sight, I spent some time playing with Buddy in the yard. He's still not very good at the "drop it" part of fetch, but he is getting a little better about bringing the ball back.

I was really excited to find these at the grocery store the other day.

We used to have them when I was a kid, and I haven't seen them in years (and I always look when I'm at the store). So when I saw them, I had to buy them, regardless of the fact that we don't have an oven right now.

It's ok, because we do have a waffle iron.

Not quite the same as when you bake them, but delicious nonetheless.

Have you used your waffle iron for things other than waffles?

We have done cinnamon rolls and we've made cornbread in the waffle iron too. :)


  1. I've done the cinnamon roll/waffle iron thing too. So easy! I didn't like how messy it made my waffle iron, though (I hate dishes). Great job on getting 12 miles in with the weather being so miserable! I'm sure the gas station people were impressed by how hard you were working. Hopefully you will get a washing machine soon! Although, the laundry mat can be really relaxing and at least it's all done in one fell swoop!

    1. It depends on the type of cinnamon rolls we've used, some of them make a giant mess of burnt sugar, and some leave the waffle iron totally clean. It's weird.

      The washing machine isn't coming until after the addition gets put on, so I've got probably another month or more (probably more) of trips to the laundromat. The worst part is some of the *ahem* interesting people who always seem to be there.


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