Sunday, July 19, 2015

Marathon Training Week 4

This week in training started strong, and ended kind of blah. I am only partly to blame, the weather needs to take a little credit.

Monday: Cross Training. I did a couple of Piyo workouts (Define: Lower Body & Define: Upper Body) to make about an hour of cross training. Piyo is interesting because it manages to work my muscles in a way where they hurt and/or shake while I'm working out, but they feel nice and relaxed once I stop. It's pretty nice.

Buddy helped.

Tuesday: 3 miles.  I wore my Wave Sayonaras, which really should be retired, and had an awesome run! It was still fairly humid out, but it was a little cooler than it has been, and I was feeling good! I ran 3.11 miles in 25:58 - an 8:21 pace! I was really happy to have a great run, because all this hot weather is really starting to wear me out.

Wednesday: 5 miles. Humid, as usual. I didn't plan out my route well, and ended up running up and down some dead end streets to hit my mileage. The world's creepiest ice cream truck passed me several times too. 5.01 miles at 9:00 pace.

Thursday: 3 miles.  I was SO tired and was just not feeling a run. I took a rest day, and then stayed up too late at the drive-in movies. Worth it.

Friday: Rest day. I decided to do Thursday's run on Friday, though I was whiny about it. I actually said, "but three miles is really far!" before I left. Mature. 3.1 miles at an 8:51 pace.

Saturday: 6 mile pace run. I woke up early and drove down to meet up with my old weekend running buddies. I missed them and the beautiful trails we run on! About a half mile after we started the weather took a turn and we ended up running through a crazy thunderstorm. We were drenched, but it was a lot of fun! 6.89 miles at a 9:09 pace.

Sunday: 9 miles. This just didn't happen. Saturday afternoon, while lugging laundry bags back and forth to the car, I pinched something in my neck. It was seriously painful, and it wasn't feeling better this morning. Between my neck and the fact that it was supposed to be the hottest day of the year, I opted to err on the side of not getting heat stroke and/or making my neck worse.

Instead I spent some time relaxing, and did a bit of coloring in the super-cute coloring book my friend Kate made. You should definitely check out her Etsy store: HERE!


  1. Very nice coloring! :) I love coloring as well. It's so relaxing! That Etsy store is so cute! I think it's perfectly okay to have taken an extra rest day or two. Sometimes you need those mentally & physically. I too have literally whined to my husband about runs that aren't really that hard. They can't all feel good I guess!

    1. I keep having to remind myself that the bad runs make you appreciate the good ones. I feel like I won't need as many extra rest days if I could just get myself to bed earlier!


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