Monday, September 28, 2015

Marathon Training Week 14

Well, I made it through the first week of the taper, and I'm not crazy...yet! :)

My information packet came today! Race day is SO soon!

Construction is moving forward on the house again. The rest of the roof came down today, and they've started building up the walls to get ready to build the second story.

All the noise has been freaking Buddy out, so I took him for a walk around the neighborhood this afternoon. Now he's more exhausted than freaked out, so I think that's progress.

Today is Tom's birthday! Unfortunately, he spent it pulling out the old septic pipes and putting in new ones.

We're going to celebrate his triumph over the septic (and his birthday!) with whiskey and Death Star ice cubes later. We really live it up around here ;)

And here's what this week of training looked like:

Monday: Cross Training. I got in 30 minutes of yoga, but my mind was on other things so I didn't really enjoy it as much as I have been lately.

Tuesday: 5 miles. The weather is finally a little cooler, and the humidity was low for this run. It went so well! I ran by feel since I ran 20 miles two days before. 5 miles @ 8:55

Wednesday: 6 miles. I was SO tired on Wednesday, and I was pretty sure that I either had a cold or really bad allergies. Either way, I didn't run.

Thursday: 5 miles. Fairly certain it's allergies, I ran by feel and didn't push too hard. Better to take it easy and not make myself feel worse at this point. 5.05 miles @ 9:24

Friday: Rest day. I debated making up a few of my missed miles from Wednesday, but decided I was better off just taking the rest day.

Saturday: 4 mile pace run. Tom was taking a hunting class that he had to complete in order to get his hunting license, so I swapped my weekend run days. Polished off my last double digit run before race day. It wasn't fast, but I felt strong and ran ALL the hills, which I don't always do. I ended up hitting my mileage 2 miles from the house and decided to walk the rest of the way home for a cool down. I never do a coo down, I know I should, but it's boring. 12.16 miles @ 10:43

Sunday 12 miles. I didn't know how this pace run was going to go the day after a long run, but it actually went really well! I went out hoping for a 9:00 pace, but I was feeling really good and pushed the pace a bit. I was pretty happy to check my time when I got home. 4 miles @ 8:30

Miles this week: 26.21

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  1. Nice week and yay for no taper crazies! That had to be cool getting the race guide in the mail. Twin Cities sent us a postcard with an online link. IT's just not the same.

    1. It was really exciting to get the guide in the mail! They have everything online, but it's so much more fun to have a physical copy.


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