Friday, September 18, 2015

A Running Slump and a Snazzy New Hat!

Sometimes I feel really sluggish and out of shape - in the midst of marathon training.

Then I think back to my first half - I was undertrained, and didn't leave my apartment for 2 days afterwards. I wasn't back to running for probably two weeks.

Last weekend I ran a half marathon about 35 minutes faster than that first half, and I was back out and running on Tuesday. I was barely even sore. So even though I wasn't as fast as I wanted to be, I am definitely not out of shape. I know that, but I'm in a bit of a running slump at the moment and I just need to fight my way through.

I let Buddy out when I got home the other day and he just sat down on the porch. Apparently he wasn't in a hurry to get outside.

He did not want to play ball when I suggested it.

And then he did.

We're finally starting to get closer to fall weather. It's been cooling off a lot at night, which means Buddy is extra excited when he gets invited on the couch.

I got a snazzy new hat from Nuun in the mail today. I'm not normally a hat person, but I've been thinking about getting one to keep the rain out of my face when I'm running - you know, when it actually rains again. Perfect timing! 

This is my last big running week before I start tapering, and I'm really looking forward to the taper. I'm ready to scale back on my mileage and spend a little less time out on the road. Remind me I said that when I start going crazy and getting antsy as Steamtown gets closer and closer.

Has fall weather hit your neck of the woods yet?

How do you get out of a running slump?


  1. I think the taper will do wonders for your running mojo. Looking back I was VERY well trained for my first half, but it still beat the crap out of my body and every single race has been monumentally easier ever since. It's amazing how the body toughens up to meet the demands we put on it. It's been cooling off here too. Much needed. It's almost time to stalk marathon weather. Eeeek!

    1. Those marathons are sneaking up way too fast! We'll see how my body handles its first full - hopefully better than that first half! :)


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