Friday, October 23, 2015

The Best Part of Not Training

I've pretty much been training for something all year. Between my 4 half marathons and Steamtown, I haven't really taken any breaks.

The great thing about not being "in training" for anything is that I can pretty much do anything I want. I don't feel like running? That's fine - I don't have to. Feel like doing yoga today? Great, go for it! I don't want to do anything? That's ok, too.

I have barely run since the marathon. I took Buddy for a couple of two milers, which he loved. Today I got changed to run and he got really excited, but I was going past his 2 mile max, and got a really sad look when I walked out the door.

I want to build up Buddy's endurance a bit so he can join me for more runs.

For maybe the first time ever, I have been doing more yoga than running. It feels good to slow down. I found a YouTube channel with a yoga instructor that doesn't drive me crazy, and I have been doing her 30 days of yoga video series. Most of them are less than 30 minutes, so it's not a major time commitment. I'm on day 5, which is longer than I usually stick to yoga. :) She also has a ton of other videos, even one that's for couch potatoes!

I keep trying to get a picture of Buddy when he's waiting for his dinner. He gets this look that makes us think of Dobby the house elf from Harry Potter. This is close, but not quite the Dobby look.

Dobby would like some dinner, please.

He helped me do some bookkeping today. I was all dressed up in my running clothes and bunny slippers.

Just trying to keep up my reputation for extreme fanciness.

I helped Tom stack a bunch of firewood this afternoon.

Unfortunately, that's only about a third of the wood currently laying in our driveway. Also unfortunate: our new wood stove didn't come in this week, so this giant pile is pretty much decorative.


  1. Even though I'm not training for anything, I'm back to running post-marathon. Because I LOVE to run. It's fun just running for no other reason but the run right now.

    1. I'll be back out running more soon, I'm sure! My runs have felt a bit off since the marathon, so I don't think I'm totally recovered yet.

  2. I feel SO great not being on a training plan now too. Even though I have one more half in less than a month, I'm winging it. I need to check out that yoga!

    1. I kind of feel like I'm getting away with something by not having a training plan right now! It's fun to be in a place where you can wing a half, isn't it? :)

  3. Yay for Buddy being a running buddy! I bet he can build up to quite a few miles! Yoga for couch potatoes, sign me up!!

    1. He loves it, he just has zero endurance right now.

  4. Yay for Buddy being a running buddy! I bet he can build up to quite a few miles! Yoga for couch potatoes, sign me up!!


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