Tuesday, October 20, 2015

I'm Going to Throw a Laundry Party

 It's been a little chilly around here the last few mornings.

It even snowed for a little bit on Sunday. Fortunately, it didn't stick. We were hoping the cold would hold off for a little longer because we don't have heat on the first floor right now. The heat in the house is baseboard, and they had to drain and cut some of it out in the addition. The upstairs heat still works, and our new wood stove should be here sometime this week. Soon we'll be toasty warm!

I spent another thrilling morning at the laundromat. You have no idea how excited I am going to be when we finally have a washer and dryer at home again. Seriously, I may throw a laundry party.

On the bright side, I do get some reading done at the laundromat.

The house is all wrapped up (in Tyvek, not wrapped up as in finished), and most of the roof is on now. I climbed up and checked out the second floor and the attic today. The interior walls are framed now, so I got more of a sense of what the rooms are going to look like.

It's pretty cool!

As far as workouts go, there haven't been a lot. I have been doing a bit of yoga, and took Buddy for a couple of short runs. I don't want to jump back into training mode, but I am also trying to figure out what works for me when I don't have a schedule to stick to.


  1. I lived in an apt. for about 5 years w/ no laundry so I definitely feel your pain! It will be SO nice to have your own washer & dryer again.


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