Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Marathon Training Week 4

Umm, well...

In my defense, I haven't really been home much. I got home at 4am on Wednesday and played catch up on sleep in the afternoon. Thursday I actually made it out for a quick 3 miler and felt pretty good.

We drove for 3+ hours on Friday and then spent the afternoon/evening at a wedding.

On Saturday we drove up to the lake house (we were already halfway there) and even though I brought my running gear, I didn't run at all while we're there. We did get a stand up paddle board, which was a lot of fun to play around on!

We headed home on Monday and spent some time getting organized for the week. Tom's sister and brother-in-law stayed with us for the night and it was nice to get to visit with them for a bit.

Today was very busy because we got a puppy!

This is Scout:

He's about 12 weeks old.

Buddy isn't quite sure what to do with Scout, but they have successfully shared toys, played together a little bit, and napped quite close together.

Look at those big feet! We think he's going to end up being close to Buddy's size when he's full grown. He's already 25 pounds.

I'm going to be home (not traveling) for the foreseeable future, so I'm going to get back to my training plan this week.



  1. Oh my! He is so flippin' cute!

    1. He's so funny too - he keeps trying to get Buddy to play with him, and Buddy isn't quite sure what to do with him yet :)


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