Sunday, July 10, 2016

Marathon Training Week 5

I mostly did really well this week!

Monday - Cross Training

This didn't happen. We were in the car for a lot of the day, and then we went out to dinner with Tom's sister and brother-in-law.

Tuesday - 3 miles

We got Scout on Tuesday, and I still managed to make it out for my run!

3.01 miles @ 9:43 pace

Wednesday - 7 miles

It's been really hot and humid this week. It is hard enough to get back into the swing of training without adding heat stroke to the equation. My treadmill is currently under boxes in the very much not air conditioned garage, so I did a little research and signed up for a gym. Now I can run inside again when the weather is less than ideal. Plus Planet Fitness has a $10/month option, which is tough to beat.

7 miles @ 9:09 pace

Thursday - 3 miles

I procrastinated for longer than I care to admit and decided to swap my rest day.

Friday - Rest Day

I took another trip to the gym for my run. I forgot that I tend to turn every treadmill run into a progression run to keep myself entertained. I actually remembered my headphones so I listened to podcasts while I ran rather than watching silent tv.

3 miles @ 8:43

Saturday - 7 miles

I managed to get myself up when my alarm went off and drove down to meet up with my running group. The humidity was out of control, so we were pretty slow, but it's always fun to hit the trails and catch up with friends.

7 miles @ 10:01 pace

Sunday - 14 miles

I really had no business running 14 miles today. I ran about 3 miles last week and I didn't run at all the week before. But I really needed to get back in the swing of my training plan, so I set out to see what I was up for.

I told Tom I might be calling from several miles away for a ride home.

I filled up my hydration pack and put on a podcast and was on my way - about an hour and a half after I planned on leaving.

Once I managed to shift into my long run mentality (where I don't care how slow I'm going and just focus on moving) the miles actually started to go by fairly quickly. I did some walking, especially up some of the more serious hills in the area, but I was more concerned with successfully hitting my mileage than anything else.

It was slow, really slow. And I forgot to put on sunscreen because it was cloudy when I left, but I hit my 14 miles!

14 miles @ 11:58 pace

Weekly mileage - 34.01

And here are some dog pictures, because I know that's what you're really here for:

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