This training cycle really snuck up on me. Not being able to run much the last few weeks makes me feel a little underprepared, but I have 17 more weeks to get back up to speed.
The bold headings are what my training plan called for, the notes underneath are what actually happened. :)
Monday - cross training
I did an hour of yoga with Adriene videos. She's still my favorite YouTube yoga teacher. I swear I have actually tried some others, but Adriene just speaks my language. And she's hilarious.
Tuesday - 3 miles
It was HOT out. I'm finally starting to feel normal again, now I just need to get used to running in the heat and get my pace back. I also got in 20 minutes of yoga and some foam rolling.
3.01 miles @ 9:59 pace
Wednesday - 5 miles
Much cooler out, I actually ran in capris! It's my longest run in over a month, and I was just glad to be back to some decent mileage again. Plus I have to be running at least 5 miles to get to see this view on my run:
5.01 miles @ 10:15 pace
Thursday - 3 miles
My stride rate (cadence) is definitely down right now, and I feel slow, but at least I'm running. That's sort of my mantra for the week: at least I'm running.
3.02 miles @ 10:04 pace
Friday - Rest day
I'm so good at rest days. I took my fourth trip to the
magician chiropractor and started a crafty project that I have already had to restart once. I may finish it in time for the holidays. Maybe.
Saturday - 5 mile pace run
I was actually excited to wake up early. I was out the door at 7 to meet up with the Rivertown Runners for a run on the trails of Rockefeller Preserve. I haven't been able to run with them for over a month, and I really missed them! I have no problem running on my own, but the miles always go by faster with friends.
I planned on seeing how things went and possibly taking a few shortcuts if I needed to, but I ended up sticking to our usual route. It was definitely tough, but it felt so good to get back to my normal routine.
6.87 miles @ 9:46 pace
Sunday - 10 miles
This just didn't happen. I helped Tom finish installing the hardwood floors upstairs (and by help I mean I moved things around and tried to stay out of the way). ;)
I'm not worried about missing this mileage because I have plenty of time to get up to speed. I would rather start this training cycle off easy and make sure I'm being smart about my running.
Weekly Mileage - 17.91
I've got to (re)start somewhere!