This week went really well, even though we've had some crazy hot weather lately. And actually, I didn't have any treadmill runs this week.
I'm still not running any paces that I'm terribly proud of, but I just keep reminding myself that it wasn't too long ago that I couldn't even run a half mile.
So here's what happened this week:
Monday - Cross training
I actually did some yoga on Monday, which is pretty impressive if you ask me. The front bedroom is currently empty, so I have been using it when I do yoga.
Tuesday - 4 miles
It was still plenty hot, but the humidity dropped off a bit, so I decided to run outside rather than heading to the gym.
4.06 miles @ 10:18 pace
Wednesday - 8 miles
I should have carried water on this run. I'm still ever so slowly adapting to the heat, and with my newfound slowness, I was out on the road for longer than I planned. It was about 80 degrees when I got home, but it definitely felt worse than that.
The boys didn't think it was too hot in the house! |
8.03 miles @ 10:52 pace
Thursday - 4 miles
I made no notes about this run in my training log, which is funny, because it was one of the best runs I have had in a while. It was definitely a hot one, but I really enjoyed it. I hung out with the pooches in the yard for a bit when I got home.
4.03 miles @ 9:53 pace
Friday - Rest Day
I finally took my rest day on the right day! Mostly I think it was good to have a day off before my weekend runs.
Saturday - 8 miles
I met up with my running group, and holy cow it was a hot day! It was 80 degrees out when we set out at 8am, and it only got warmer. It was a brutal run, but it's always fun to run with friends. Everyone is starting marathon training now so we were all talking about who is running what. We have several people running the Marine Corps Marathon, and there are always at least a few running NYC.
I came up a little shy on my mileage because I only ran our usual trails and didn't feel like adding on. I stand by that decision - the heat was ridiculous.
7 miles @ 10:05 pace
Sunday - 16 miles
My alarm was set for 5am, all my gear was laid out on Saturday night, and I had several podcasts all ready to go. I actually managed to get out the door a little after 6, which is impressive for me. The humidity was ridiculous, but at least the temperatures dropped some.
I learned that my feet do not like running in my Brooks Launch shoes for more than 10 miles. The last 6 miles were a little painful. The side of my left big toe randomly started rubbing, but fortunately I didn't end up with a blister.
I wanted to stop this run pretty much the entire time. Well, except for mile 8, that felt pretty good, but it was also pretty much all downhill.
My legs were tired, and this run just felt off. But I stuck it out and made it home without calling Tom to come pick me up.
16.01 miles @ 11:52 pace
Weekly mileage - 39.13
And of course, bonus dog pictures!